FAQ – Frequently asked Questions

This FAQ deals with the most frequently asked questions from visitors and users of Sixbid and the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive. Here you can find out how the archive works, what oions you have to expand the results of your search and much more. Do you have a question for us that is not listed here? Please use the contact form - we will be happy to help you.

General information about your user account

As part of our major update, we have simplified many things for you. Your login is no longer just for Sixbid.com. You can now also use your login for the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive. One login - and the whole world of numismatics is open to you. Whether in the future or in the past.

As your account is now valid for Sixbid and for the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive, we have made the management of your user data as convenient as possible for you. Whether you are bidding on Sixbid or you book a subscription in the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive, you only have to manage your data in one place.

No. All other information that was stored in your user account on Sixbid has remained there. You will still find an overview of the bids you have placed, your watchlist and the searches you have saved.

In addition to the advantage of having only one place to manage your personal data, we have implemented an additional security instance. You can now set up 2-factor identification oionally, which makes your Sixbid account even more secure. You can find more information in your user account under "Account Security".

Impact on Sixbid Numismatic Auctions (Sixbid.com)

Since the update, we show you the auctions that have ended in the last six months on Sixbid.com. For auctions with an expiry date more than six months ago, please use the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive. Why don't you book one of our subscriptions there? This will allow you to extend the period of auctions you can search according to your needs.

No. You can still call up lots via your user account on Sixbid.com even if the auction has been closed for more than 6 months. However, we will then show you these lots in a reduced view without navigation options. The same applies if you have lots on your watch list for which the auction has been closed for more than 6 months.

Of course you can. Lots that you have bid on and lots that are on your watchlist can be viewed on Sixbid.com, even if the auction ended more than 6 months ago. All you have to do is log in - we will then forward you to the relevant lot. The view of the lot is then reduced and offers no navigation options.

Information on the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive

With our archive we offer you the possibility to search through completed auctions. Would you like to research a specific numismatic specimen? Would you like to purchase a particular coin and find out about the prices paid so far? You can find all this information in the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive.

Do I have to create an account to be able to use the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive?

An account is not a requirement. However, your search results will then be limited to the auctions of the last 6 months. To gain further insight, we recommend that you at least register. Would you like to dive deeper into the world of completed auctions, our subscriptions are available to boost the results of your searches. You can find the bookable subscriptions here [Subscriptions].

This depends on which subscription you have booked. We have compiled an overview of the possible subscriptions for you here. From this page you can book a new subscription, upgrade your existing subscription and thus continuously expand your insight into the world of auction catalogues scanned by us.

Our archive is constantly growing! Every auction that has been running on Sixbid is available for your research. But that's not all. We scan and digitise old, printed auction catalogues and add them to the digital archive as well. This gives you access to catalogues dating back to the 19 & 20 century. Isn't that amazing?

We have the right subscription for every numismatic enthusiast. The more valuable the subscription you book (Blue, Silver, Gold, Gold Plus), the older the catalogues you can search through. As soon as you have reached the Gold section, the Classical Archive is available to you. There you have access to catalogues that have been scanned by us and date back to historical catalogues of 19 & 20 century. These catalogues can only be found digitised worldwide in the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive.

The Classical Archive awaits you with very special content. We scan printed auction catalogues dating back to historical catalogues of 19 & 20 centuryusing highly specialised technology. These catalogues are then extensively digitised and integrated into the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive. The catalogue lots are displayed in your search results if you have booked the corresponding subscription. From the Gold subscription onwards, you will be able to see these lots. This is only available worldwide in the Sixbid Coin Collector's Archive

No, many historical catalogues before 1950 have no starting prices. But some do have lists of realized prices that we will publish according to availabili ty.

For security reasons, a maximum of 1,000 lots per user can be accessed in the Sixbid Classical Archive in 24 hours.

No, you don't have to. However, it depends on your user status which catalogues your search includes and how many results you get. As an unregistered user, for example, you have access to the completed auctions of the last 6 months. If you register in the archive or if you already have an account on Sixbid, your access increases to the last 12 months. With a subscription you can gradually extend this. You can find an overview of which subscription grants which access here.

Subscriptions are automatically renewed for a further year once they have expired. If you do not wish to renew a current subscription, please cancel it three months before it expires. Cancellations received after this deadline will be considered at the earliest possible date.

You can see your current subscriptions in your user account. There you can also see when the subscription expires. If you wish to cancel a current subscription, please note the notice period of 3 months to the end of the month.

If you upgrade during the term of a subscription, you go through the ordering process as usual. We will then calculate the excess cost paid for your old subscription and refund them to you. The new subscription will then be invoiced from the day of booking and will run for another year.

No, that is not possible. In this case, please cancel the current subscription and then take out the subscription of your choice once it has expired.